Project PEACE (Parents Equipped and Children Encouraged) supports families through a wide spectrum of services in the areas of parenting, adult relationships, and workforce training and education. Services include individualized and group classes and workshops, referrals to other community services, and financial assistance for work-related skills development.
Our Discovery Center Playpen offers free childcare for children ages 0 to 5 available to parents while they are participating in many of our workshops, classes, or working through our workforce programs. A copy of each child's birth certificate and immunization record is required to participate in Playpen.
I love this place. People from here are all sweet. They offer a lot of different of classes. They've also helped me a lot with my English. As a mother of small children, I love they have child care so I can attend class.
~ Project PEACE participant
Project PEACE provides supports to strengthen the family so its members are able to live fuller, happier, and more productive lives. Services include adult classes and workshops in parenting, relationships, and budgeting and also case management to help families locate additional supports in the community.
Staff assists families in developing their own Family Services Plan adapted to their particular needs.
Project PEACE helps unemployed and underemployed parents improve their job skills and increase their career opportunities. Its person-centered focus allows parents to create their own goals and develop an individualized plan for achieving their goals.
Services include career counseling, high school equivalency preparation, WorkKeys certification, acquiring and upgrading job skills. Qualified parents receive financial assistance for testing fees, community college workforce classes, and work-based learning experiences.
To qualify for financial assistance with testing fees, workforce class, or paid work-based experience, a person must
- Be between 18-59 years of age
- Be a parent of a child 18 and younger (custodial or non-custodial)
- Be out of high school
- Live within approved counties (Oktibbeha, Lowndes, Clay, Webster, Choctaw, Noxubee, and Winston)
- Have a household income up to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines
* documentation of parenthood and income is required*
- Community Service agencies
- Institutions of higher education
- Local Schools
- Civic and faith-based groups and businesses
Project PEACE is a a grant funded by the Mississippi Department of Human Services.

For more information about the Discovery Center's Project PEACE Program, please contact:
Elizabeth Williams
Program Manager