Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary School is ready to welcome students and families to an excellent new year!
Join HWS and experience excellence on The Hill during Open House on Friday, August 21.
This is a time for parents to come meet their child's teacher, bring their school supplies, and take those "first day of school" pictures. In an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy, parents will not be allowed to walk their children into the building on the first day of school, Monday, August 24.
Traditional and virtual students' parents are invited to sign up for a time to attend Open House. Please wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines of 6 feet. To attend Open House, please click on the appropriate grade level link and sign up for a time.
HWS 2nd Grade Open House
HWS 3rd Grade Open House
HWS 4th Grade Open House
Parents who do not feel comfortable attending in-person may email their child's school counselor to schedule a time to meet their child's teacher over Zoom.
Katie Young, 2nd Grade Counselor - kyoung@starkvillesd.com
Jennifer Vickers, 3rd Grade Counselor - jvickers@starkvillesd.com
Julie Moore, 4th Grade Counselor - jumoore@starkvillesd.com
If you have questions, email Principal Julie Fancher at Jfancher@starkvillesd.com.
HWS looks forward to seeing you and your child during Open House!