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Sudduth Students Eat Their Way to Good Health

Sudduth Students Eat Their Way to Good Health

By Nicole Thomas

With visions of rainbows in their heads, some students at Sudduth Elementary School learned to paint and eat a delicious and nutritious snack.

The Mississippi University for Women Culinary Arts Institute introduced students to fresh fruits and vegetables that feature the colors of a rainbow during a food tasting demo at their school.  The students created a rainbow on a stick, which is actually a fruit kebob, and used a pastry brush, to paint the fruit with vanilla yogurt and then rolled their special treat in granola.  The students also stirred together a secret spice mix to enjoy with fresh vegetables.

The special demonstration offered to students at Sudduth Elementary School is funded through a grant from MUW’s Project CHEW and Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Passport to Wellness program.

Get the full story on this tasting opportunity that teaches children about the importance of cooking and eating healthy at https://www.starkvilledailynews.com/content/sudduth-students-get-healthy-food-demo.