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SOCSD Launches The Leader in Me

SOCSD Launches The Leader in Me

By Nicole Thomas

The Starkville Oktibbeha Consolidated School District is embracing “The Leader in Me” philosophy to help our students discover their individual greatness as student leaders.

The foundation of The Leader in Me program is the belief that all students have the capacity to lead in their own lives and affect those around them by making positive choices. The Leader in Me also teaches 21st century leadership and life skills to students and seeks to create a culture of student empowerment.

The Leader in Me promises to take our students on an exciting journey.  We encourage parents to look for opportunities to engage your child and ask questions about what he/she is learning. You can find a complete list of the seven healthy habits plus ideas to use at home to involve the whole family in the parents section at www.TheLeaderInMe.org.

Each month, our District will also be highlighting one of the seven healthy habits of highly effective leaders, and we’re starting in September with Habit #1: Be proactive. You are in charge of you.

Help us share it forward and spread the word about the power of The Leader in Me.  Go to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/StarkvilleSD to like and share this message.

And share your success stories with us!  We’d love to hear from you.  Send us an email at nthomas@Starkville.k12.ms.us about how The Leader in Me program is impacting your child.