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Arigato! Sudduth Elementary School Celebrates Japanese Culture with Special Performance

Arigato! Sudduth Elementary School Celebrates Japanese Culture with Special Performance

By Nicole Thomas

Sudduth Elementary School embraces our community’s diversity with rich cultural celebrations.  The Mississippi Puppet Arts Theatre performed “Momotaro,” a popular Japanese folktale, for Sudduth’s 2nd graders, and we invited our friends from Rensant Bank and the Greater Starkville Development Partnership to share this wonderful learning experience with our students.

Our students and our guests sat on the edge of their seats for this unforgettable adventure of bravery as Momotaro, or “peach boy,” sprang from a peach and later set out on a journey to reclaim his family’s treasured possessions. On his way to the fight, Momotaro befriends a few animals, who learn that working together is the key to accomplishing what seems impossible.

Join the adventure and read more about this wonderful experience for our students  here.