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  • Snyder wins Congressional Art Competition; Artwork to be displayed in U.S. Capitol

Snyder wins Congressional Art Competition; Artwork to be displayed in U.S. Capitol

Snyder wins Congressional Art Competition; Artwork to be displayed in U.S. Capitol

By Nicole Thomas

SHS senior Carys Snyder was awarded the overall winner of Mississippi’s Third Congressional District 2015 Congressional Art Competition. Her drawing, “Mr. Kennard,” will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC for one year beginning in June.

U.S. Congressman Gregg Harper honored Carys along with Isaiah Knox and Justice Wynn, who are also students at Starkville High School, during a reception at the Pearl Community Room on Friday.

Wynn was awarded first place for her drawing in the contest while Isaiah took first place in the photography category.  Carys was also awarded first and second place honors for her computer generated art, and she earned third place in photography.

As the overall winner, Snyder is eligible for a $1,500 per year scholarship to the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Ga. She will receive two roundtrip tickets to Washington, DC, compliments of Southwest Airlines.

The Congressional Art Competition began in 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of Congress to encourage and recognize the artistic talents of high school students.

This year’s competition was judged by a three-member panel comprised of local accomplished artists and instructors. The competition judges were Sandra Murchison, Professor of Studio Art & Chair of the Art Department at Millsaps College, Christopher Brady, Instructor of Art at East Central Community College, and Alex Bostic, Associate Professor in the Department of Art at Mississippi State University.