As we prepare for our second delayed start of the school year on Monday, October 8, it is important to me for our parents and our greater school community to understand the importance of this time for our teachers to learn together before students arrive for school.
The District’s strategic plan identifies human resources as a focus of one of five goal areas. Our District believes excellent teachers are essential to our students’ success, and we are committed to supporting our teachers and their professional growth as part of our vision of excellence every day. For me, that also means developing a culture that values teaching and teachers.
Our teachers are trained professionals, and their professional growth is directly connected to the academic growth of our students. Research shows the most effective professional learning opportunities are sustained, intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused. This means limiting professional training to a couple of days at the start of the school year is not considered a best practice in education.
Some parents have questioned why we chose a delayed schedule rather than an early release option, but the District has previously experimented with early release schedules for the purpose of professional learning without much success. Early release days for professional development are much different than the early release days at the end of the fall/spring semester. It’s also important to respect our teachers’ time beyond a normal school day. Imagine how ineffective you might find a professional training session following a full day in the classroom.
Our next delayed start date is scheduled for October 8. I realize this requires many of our parents to adjust their schedules, and I understand that may be inconvenient, but I ask you to consider the impact your child’s teacher has on his/her learning experience. Our teachers invest a lot of time improving their instruction and perfecting their craft which directly benefits our students.
As our District strives for excellence every day, it is important for all of us to be willing to step beyond our comfort zones as we explore new methods of operation. I appreciate your willingness as parents to support our teachers and our school district during our delayed starts by making sure your child shows up ready to learn just as you do for a normal school day. We look forward to working together to provide meaningful, relevant instruction that engages our students as critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Thank you in advance for your support of our efforts.
Eddie Peasant, Ed.D.
Information on Meal Service and Bus Transportation
We will be offering bus transportation on a delayed schedule. Elementary pick up will begin at 8 am. Middle/High School pick up will begin at 8:45 am. Elementary schools will serve a quick breakfast along with normal lunch options. Middle/High School will offer normal lunch options. For complete school menus, click her:
If your child does not normally ride the bus, but you would like for them to ride the bus on Monday, October 8, please go to msstarkvilleocsd.traversaride3
We will also be offering morning pick-up from our bus stops on the MSU campus on Monday, October 8.
Elementary (Grades prek-5th Grade)
Bus 22 is expected to arrive on campus around 9 am and will offer pick up from the following locations:
Sanderson Center
Hilbun Hall
Doorman Hall
Wise Center
Child Development Center
Middle/High School
Bus 53 is expected to arrive on campus around 9:45 am and will also offer pick up from the following locations:
Sanderson Center
Hilbun Hall
Doorman Hall
Wise Center
Child Development Center
As a reminder, our school start times for Monday, October 8, are listed below:
Sudduth…………………………………….. 10:05; Campus opens @ 9:25
Henderson Ward Stewart…………….. 10:05; Campus opens @ 9:25
Overstreet Elementary………………… 10:15; Campus opens @ 9:35
West Elementary………………………… 10:05; Campus opens @ 9:25
Armstrong……………………………………. 10:55; Campus opens @ 10:15
Starkville High/Millsaps………………….. 11:15; Campus opens @ 10:30
The Learning Center…………...……….. 10:35; Campus opens @ 9:55