As our schools prepare for the start of a new school year, there are a few changes regarding meal service in response to safety protocols for food service and cafeteria related Covid-19:
- Review the menus posted to MealViewer. Our school cafeterias have made a few changes to help the line move faster and make meals more portable.
- Students will not have to enter or remember their lunch number. School cafeterias will be scanning a barcode at breakfast and utilizing a roster at lunch.
- Please load lunch money online. This reduces the amount hand-to-hand exchange. Staff is encouraged to do this as well. Our Child Nutrition team is striving to take every precaution to keep exposure limited for staff and students.
- Complete your child's lunch application for the 2020-21 school year prior to the first day of school on August 24. Parents who normally complete a lunch application should complete one for the 2020-21 school even if their children are virtual learners. School lunch applications for the 2020-21 school year are now available online. Apply today: Please complete and submit your application electronically to allow the District to better prepare for the start of the school year on August 24. For more infomation about the school lunch application process, click here or download a flyer with additional details here. If you need further assitance, contact the Office of Child Nutrition at 662.615.0027.
- If your student normally returns a food allergy form, please have your doctor complete the require form annually and return to your student’s cafeteria.
- Please review the meal charge policy list in the student handbook.
- Breakfast will be free for all students again this year. New to each campus is grab-n-go breakfast carts. Please encourage your students to take advantage of free breakfast at school.
- Parents of virtual learners need to be on the lookout in the weeks to come regarding details for meal pick-up. These meals will be applied to each students’ lunch account and will require money to be loaded if the student is reduced priced or full price.
The Office of Child Nutrition thanks you in advance for your cooperation and your support of our Child Nutrition programs, and we look forward to serving you and your children during the 2020-21 school year.