The Starkville Oktibbeha School District Board of Trustees is considering a new policy on staff grievances and complaints.
The board held its first reading of proposed Policy GAF Staff Grievances and Complaints during its regular montly board meeting held on October 13.
The board is now seeking public comment regarding the proposed policies prior to the second reading during the regular monthly meeting on November 10.
Comments on the proposed policies may be emailed to the school board at
Section: G Personnel
Policy Code: GAF Staff Grievances and Complaints
The Starkville Oktibbeha Consolidated School District is committed to resolving complaints, grievances, and other forms of conflict through a formal process when
appropriate. Employees unable to informally resolve complaints and grievances shall file a formal grievance.
The failure of a complainant to proceed from one level to the next within the set time limit shall be deemed an acceptance of the decision previously rendered and shall eliminate any further review concerning that particular complaint.
The complainant may withdraw his/her complaint at any level without reprisal. However, a complainant shall not be permitted to re-file the same complaint once withdrawn unless it is within the initial time period. No reprisal shall be invoked against the complainant for filing a complaint or against any person for participation in any way.
CROSS REFERENCES: GAAA - Equal Opportunity Employment GBR - Sexual Harassment
IDDHA - Section 504 Americans with Disabilities Act Procedures