A first reading of the District's proposed virtual learning policy was held during the SOCSD Board of Trustees regular meeting in August.
The school board is now seeking public comment regarding the proposed policy and virtual learning guidelines prior to the second reading. Click on the link below to review the policy and guidelines.
Proposed Policy IAC - Virtual Learning Days.pdf
Guidelines for Virtual Learning 2021-22.pdf
Comments on the proposed policy may be emailed to the school board at schoolboard@starkvillesd.com.
Per the Mississippi Department of Education and State Board of Education policy, districts that offer a virtual option for individual students must adopt local board-approved policies that include the criteria for students to participate in virtual learning, requirements for equipment, connectivity, attendance and student conduct, and assurances of equal access and non-discrimination and the delivery of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for students with disabilities.
MDE is also requiring all students who take part in virtual learning to take statewide assessments on campus.
The SBE’s proposed policies will allow districts to provide school-wide or districtwide virtual learning days in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as weather emergencies or an epidemic prevailing in the district. However, districts must ensure any virtual learning days include actual teaching for a minimum of 330 minutes, as state law requires. Districts are required to provide a minimum of 180 days of instruction.
The SBE provided districts with broad flexibility in the 2020-21 school year to help manage the COVID-19 outbreak. Districts were allowed to meet the 180-day teaching requirement through traditional, virtual or a hybrid of in-person and distance learning. The SBE voted in April to end the pandemic-related flexibilities.