Never miss out on excellence happening in the Starkville Oktibbeha School District! Make sure you are connected to your Jacket family as we begin a new year of excellence in 2022!
The Spark, Enewsletter
Get the latest edition of The Spark, our enewsletter, that delivers excellence directly to your inbox. Read the most recent newsletter at the link below & then subscribe today![UNIQID]
Social Media
Starkville Oktibbeha School District
You can also connect with the district official social media channels!
Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @StarkvilleSD and like us at
Jacket Athletics
Did you know Jacket Athletics is on Twitter? Never miss a Jacket game day! Follow Jacket Athletics on Twitter @StkJackets!
Athletic Director Greg Owen also shares important information with our parents of students athletes via Remind. Text @JktAthl to 81010 to subscribe & keep reading below for more ways to connect with our schools!
Starkville High School
Twitter & Instagram @Starkville_High
Facebook @
Armstrong Jr High School
Twitter @AJHSJackets
Facebook @
Partnership Middle School
Twitter & Instagram @PartnerMiddle
Facebook @
School Messenger
The District also uses our mass messaging system School Messenger to share important information with parents via text, email and voice messaging. School Messenger utilizes parent information in Power School to send messages. If you aren't receiving messages, email