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SOSD Announces Summer Camp Learning Experiences; Registration Opens April 12

SOSD Announces Summer Camp Learning Experiences; Registration Opens April 12

The Starkville Oktibbeha School District has planned 12 summer camp learning experiences for students during the month of June.  

Camp registration opens at 12 pm on April 12 and will remain open until full. Camps that do not have a minimum of 10 participants will not be offered. Camps are filled on a first come, first served basis.  

Camps will be held at Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary School or Partnership Middle School.  

A list of camps and dates are below for you to review.  

Click on the registration link which will be activated at 12 pm on Tuesday to choose the camp that your child would be most interested in attending and complete the required contact information.  


Due to limited capacity, please only choose ONE camp experience per student.  We will begin notifying parents on May 1 if your child has a confirmed spot in camp. 

Thank you and we look forward to sharing excellent learning experiences with you and your child this summer! 

2022 Summer Camp Learning Experiences 

MakerSpace Camp - Grade 5; June 6-10

  • Students will work with various materials to build and “make” using creativity and imagination. Activities will also be tied to books to incorporate literacy activities. This camp will be held in the Innovation Station Makerspace located at Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary School.

Art Camp - Grades 6-8; June 6-10

  • Students will have the opportunity to paint on canvases as well as learn about the many different types of art. Students will be able to create different forms of art and learn about the time periods in which each type was popular.

Builders Camp - Grades 6-8; June 6-10 OR June 20-24

  • Students will learn about construction all types of materials using a variety of manipulatives such as legos, knex, straws, even popsicle sticks!

Artistic Visual Arts Camp - Grades 7-12; June 6-10

  • This camp experience will help students create strong original works of art for art compositions and build strong art portfolios for state and national scholarships. Students will explore art of various mediums, including photography, learning basics of compositions and methods.

Strategic Games Camp - Grades 9-12; June 6-10 or June 20-24

  • Students will learn to play games where critical thinking is required. Some examples of these games are Chess, Risk, Dungeons and Dragons, and Settlers of Catan.

Nature Camp - Grades 5-8; June 13-17

  • Students will explore the gifts of the natural world! Weather permitting students will take a field trip to a wildlife preserve and study its inhabitants.

Beginners Art Appreciation Camp - Grades 6-8; June 13-17

  • Students will work with various mediums. They will learn about and create different forms of art. Students will also learn about the different time periods in which particular forms of art were popular.

Space Camp - Grades 5-8; June 20-24

  • Space will focus on astronomy. Students will create a model of the solar system and create telescopes as part of their week long study of astronomy.

College & Career Exploration 2 Week Camp - Grades 9-12; June 13-17 & June 20-24

  • The purpose of this camp is to prepare high school students for the decisions they will make in the next couple of years iin order to maximize their goals towards graduation, careers, or higher education. This experience will prepare them to take the ACT as well as focus on other intense studying habits and text taking strategies.

SPARK Music Camp - Grades 2-4; June 27-30 (4 Day Camp Only)

  • Students will experience all elements of music- singing, playing instruments, the math behind the music, and stories behind the songs! A performance will be open to the public on the last day so the students may showcase what was learned!

Forensics Camp Grades - Grades 7-12; June 27-20 (4 Day Camp Only)

  • Students can learn about forensic science and the different careers offered in this field. They will have the opportunity to solve cases and work in lab simulations.

Robotics & Racing Camp - Grades 9-12; June 27-30 (4 Day Camp Only)

  • Students will have the ability to code different types of robots and robotic cars. They will have such a fun time competing in races with the things that they build and code!